Clinic Managers Network

About the Network

AMA-ACTT has partnered with the Alberta Association of Clinic Managers (AACM) to establish a provincial Clinic Managers Network of practice. This platform enables clinic managers to connect, collaborate, and share best practices with peers.

With access to a wealth of resources, including tools, templates, and training opportunities, members can enhance their skills and knowledge to manage their clinics and improve patient care effectively. The Network offers tailored information and webinars presented by subject matter experts where members can engage in discussions and seek advice from experienced professionals in the field.

Joining the Clinic Managers Network offers valuable support and development opportunities for clinic managers looking to excel in their roles.




Why a Clinic Managers Network?

Networking with other clinic managers can lead to potential partnerships, collaborations, and innovative initiatives that benefit all.  Clinic managers can improve patient care and efficiency by sharing successful strategies, processes, and techniques.

Attend webinars covering topics related to clinic managers, such as team-based care, resilience, conflict management, HQCA panel reports, PMH assessments, quality improvement, referral pathways, data storytelling, and more!

Join the Network

Interested clinic managers can click the button below to register for the provincial Clinic Managers Network.  

Network Schedule

Thursday, October 17, 2024, 12:00-1:00 pm

Topic:  Clinic Quality Improvement

Description: Quality improvement (QI) interventions have enormous potential to improve healthcare delivery.  In the healthcare system, there are always opportunities to optimize, streamline, develop and test processes, and QI should be a continuous process and an integral part of everyone’s work, regardless of role or position within the organization. In this webinar we look at developing effective and sustainable QI interventions. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025, 12:00-1:00 pm

Topic: Conflict Management

Description: Ideally, there would be no conflict in the workplace or elsewhere, but in reality, conflict is an inevitable part of our lives. As challenging as it is, especially in the moment, conflict can also serve as a catalyst to understanding other points of view, growing as a professional, and improving communications within an organization. This is especially true when conflict is managed successfully and resolved appropriately. This webinar will review strategies to effectively handle conflict. 

Past Meeting Summaries and Resources

June 20, 2024 - Topic: Team Based Care
Session Topic:
Team Based Care
Session Date:

June 20, 2024

Session Description:

Teamwork is becoming more and more important in patient care and clinic teams are expanding.  This webinar will focus on team-based excellence to achieve patient centered care.

Session Hosts:
  • Sunday Welsh, Executive, Alberta Association of Clinic Managers (AACM)
  • Krishna Kasireddy, Consultant, Alberta Medical Association (AMA-ACTT)
  • Sherry Drewniak, Executive, Alberta Association of Clinic Managers (AACM)


Session Presenters:
  • Wendy Sutherland, Coordinator, AMA-ACTT  
  • Thea McDougall, Consultant, Training Lead, AMA-ACTT  
  • Cheryl San Juan, RN BN MN, Senior Consultant, AMA-ACTT  



Recommended Resources


Session Highlights & Themes:

ACTT Resources for Clinic Managers

presented by Wendy Sutherland and Thea McDougall, AMA-ACTT

  • ACTT Website
  • ACTT Networks of Practice
  • ACTT Practice Supports
  • ACTT offers 10 areas of free training, hosted on Learn@AMA
  • Key contacts can register staff and assign training via Learn@AMA
  • Visit ACTT Training & Events to see available training, request a Learn@AMA account, or register for available in-person training.
  • Refreshed Training Available:
    • Practice Facilitator Core Training – enrolment is open
    • Panel in Action Training – enrolment opens June 25, 2024


Team Based Care

presented by Cheryl San Juan, RN BN MN, Senior Consultant, AMA-ACTT

  • Objectives:
    • Participants will understand the need to increase team-based care.
    • Participants will identify the challenges of team-based care.
    • Participants will learn about existing team-based care resources.
  • To meet guidelines for chronic disease management and prevention, solo physicians would need to work up to 27 hours per day! By sharing the load via team-based care, that time can be reduced by two-thirds.
  • Team-based care is a collaborative approach that involves various health professionals working together to meet patient needs and improve overall care.  
  • Why team-based care matters:
    • Improved chronic disease management
    • Improved quality of care
    • Improved health outcomes
    • Increased patient satisfaction
    • Successful implementation of primary care innovations
      Example: Patient’s Medical Home
    • Improved access to care
    • Reduced burnout


Practical Tips for Clinic Managers


Additional Team-Based Care Resources:


Feb 29, 2024 - Topic: PPIP
Session Topic:
Physician Practice Improvement Program
Session Date:

February 29, 2024

Session Description:

In follow up to the June 2023 session, this webinar brings updates on the FAST program and CII/CPAR, and dives into the what, why and how of the CPSA's Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP). 


Session Hosts:
  • Aderonke Adewole, Executive, Alberta Association of Clinic Managers (AACM)   
  • Thea McDougall, Consultant, Alberta Medical Association (AMA-ACTT)


Session Presenters:
  • Lesley Barker, AHS Provincial Lead, FAST Program   
  • Robert Smith, Consultant, AMA-ACTT  
  • Dr. Danielle Michaels, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)  
  • Tanya Northfield, PPIP Program Manager, CPSA 
  • Amanda Bouma, Practice Facilitator, Westview PCN 
  • Corina Hendrickson, Practice Facilitator, Grand Prairie PCN 


Session Highlights & Themes:

presented by Robert Smith, AMA-ACTT
  • Provincially, 49% of eligible physicians have adopted CII/CPAR (includes family medicine and non-family medicine physicians)
  • Benefits:
    • Improved care continuity and attachment
    • Acceleration grant and PMSP Funding eligibility
    • Know which patients are seeing multiple doctors via conflict reports
  • Planned improvements are on the way!


Provincial FAST Update

presented by Lesley Barker, AHS Provincial Lead, FAST Program.

  • Specialties currently accepting referrals through FAST include Orthopedics, Urology, Vascular Surgery, NEW General Surgery (Feb 26)
    • Next to Launch: Gynecology Spring 2024
  • Exceptions to FAST General Surgery referrals include:
    • Suspected or known breast cancers.
    • Colorectal cancer screening/surveillance.
    • Continue sending referrals for these issues to your local programs.
  • Referral forms published with AHS Forms:  Orthopedic & Spine, Urology, Vascular, General Surgery
  • Referral pathways are published on Alberta's Pathway Hub
  • Referral pathways and referral forms are reviewed 3 months post FAST launch and annually following. If you have any feedback please complete the survey available here.


The Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP)

presented by Dr. Danielle Michaels, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)  

  • PPIP is a mandatory quality improvement requirement for physicians from CPSA to ensure that they are maintaining competence throughout their career.
  • All physicians are required to participate in PPIP including family medicine and non-family medicine specialists, as well as locums.
  • Physicians must complete three activities in a five-year cycle:
    • Practice Driven Quality Improvement Activity
    • CPSA Standards of Practice Quality Improvement Activity
    • Personal Development Activity
  • Elements of a PPIP activity:
    • Review data
      • *Required element.
      • Examples of data sources may include: EMR, chart review, multi-source feedback from peers/learners/patients, prescribing data through MD Snapshot Prescribing, Health Quality Council of Alberta’s Primary Healthcare Panel Reports, structured assessments in a non-medical domain such as public speaking, evaluation of current process with respect to a CPSA standard of practice.
    • Identify a gap
    • Create a SMART goal
    • Root cause analysis
    • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle
    • Document an action plan
      • *Required element, may use your own template or the CPSA template linked above.
      • Keep documentation for six years.
    • Facilitation
      • *Required element for the Personal Development activity.
      • Can be done individually, in a group, or with dedicated modules for self-facilitated reflection
  • There is an opportunity to sign up for MCC360 through CPSA and have the assessment and facilitation provided at no charge to the physician
  • Physicians report their PPIP activities in the annual CPSA Renewal Information Form (RIF).
  • Random audit surveys are sent to physicians who indicate in RIF they have completed a PPIP activity.
  • Questions can be directed to:


Standards of Practice QI Activity Example

presented by Amanda Bouma, Practice Facilitator, Westview PCN 


Practice Driven QI Activity Example

presented by Corina Hendrickson, Practice Facilitator, Grand Prairie PCN 

  • Corina shared her approach to meeting with physicians to discuss PPIP.
  • Documents to bring: PPIP info Sheet, PPIP Action Plan Template, and HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Report
  • Review panel report together, identify areas they may want to improve upon.
  • Give the physician ideas, ask if they have any ideas or areas of interest for improvement.
  • Work together to come up with ta project and determine what team members to include in the work.
  • Review questions in the action plan template and come up with a plan together.


Personal Development Activity

presented by Thea McDougall, Consultant, Alberta Medical Association (AMA-ACTT)

  • Feedback from patients gathered via patient surveys is one of the options that can be used to help meet the PPIP personal development requirement.
  • Coming soon: Facilitators Guide to the HQCA Patient Experience Survey
    • This guide is for Facilitators to use when discussing survey data with primary care providers who have participated in the Health Quality Council of Alberta’s (HQCA) Primary Care Patient Experience Survey


What Can Clinic Managers do to Support Physicians in Completing PPIP Activities?
  • Stay up to date on PPIP requirements and available options to support physicians in completing PPIP activities
  • Be familiar with and mention options for support for physicians in completing PPIP activities.
  • Support PF’s and QI staff is supplying and having access to current data to physicians to drive their QI for PPIP activities
  • Support in scheduling personal development data collection surveys 
  • Consider the option of scheduling a PPIP info session or PPIP Workshop for your clinic physicians (ie: workshops, Burnout webinar, patient experience survey, etc.)