ACTT Current Initiatives

ACTT undertakes a variety of streams of work. The following are current initiatives:

CII/CPAR enables physicians and their teams to share patient information to Alberta Netcare directly from their electronic medical record (EMR). This two-way connection between clinic EMRs and Alberta Netcare is improving continuity of care between the Patient’s Medical Home and Health Neighbourhood.

CII allows providers to send select patient information to Alberta Netcare including consult letters and information about patient visits to contribute to Community Encounter Digests (CEDs). CPAR identifies relationships between patients and their primary provider and sends eNotifications to providers when their patients are seen in the emergency department, have a hospital admission or day surgery.

Primary Health Care Opioid Response
Through the Primary Health Care Opioid Response Initiative, the Alberta College of Family Physicians (ACFP), Alberta Medical Association (AMA), Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Zone PCN Committees aligned to support the systematic changes needed for primary care response. These groups worked together to create the opioid change package, intended to help physicians and team members implement practice changes that improve care for patients who use opioids.

Networks of Practice
ACTT supports several communities of practice within Primary Health Care across Alberta. These networks include the Practice Facilitators Network, the Electronic Medical Record - Alberta Network, and the Physician Champion Network. These group are instrumental in creating the Patients Medical Home in Alberta.