
The AMA focus on the development of Practice Facilitators is at the macro level, where it is efficient and pragmatic to take a provincial approach. This includes defining Practice Facilitator competencies and providing training for PFs to achieve competencies. This does not include additional competencies that may be defined by each PCN or zone. The AMA also supports PFs to come together in a Network, supporting connections that allow for ongoing development.

Practice Facilitator Competencies: Patient’s Medical Home and Heath Neighbourhood Transformation in Alberta
This evidence-based competency set is based on the Change Agent Competency Model and are designed to be leveraged by Practice Facilitators, leaders of Practice Facilitators, and Practice Facilitator curriculum/content developers.

Practice Facilitator Competencies: Patient’s Medical Home and Heath Neighbourhood Transformation in Alberta One-Page Summary 
in development

Practice Facilitator Self-Assessment
The Practice Facilitator Self-Assessment is a companion document to the Practice Facilitator Competencies: Patient’s Medical Home and Heath Neighbourhood Transformation in Alberta. It is a hard copy version of an annual electronic assessment sent out to Alberta Practice Facilitators. The Practice Facilitator Self-Assessment provides PFs with a report that may be used for self-development, where their process can be tracked and used to identify gaps provincially.

Practice Facilitator Core Training
This training consists of both online self-directed modules and seven interactive virtual sessions. The curriculum is designed to assist PFs to achieve a “Core Competency Level” as defined in the Practice Facilitator Self-Assessment. New PFs should seek this training when they have identified a clinic to work with and a clinical intervention to work on.

HQCA Panel Reports Toolkit
Designed and developed by partners at the Health Quality Council of Alberta, there are general as well as specific tools for PFs to access to assist with leveraging the HQCA Primary Healthcare Panel Reports with clinic teams.

Panel-in-Action Training
This one-day training session is designed to provide Panel Managers a practical introduction to concepts and methods of panel management. As panel management is foundational to all clinical improvement efforts in the Patient’s Medical Home, many PFs find it useful to be deeply familiar with the work.

Practice Facilitator Network
All Alberta PFs are welcome to join the provincial Practice Facilitator Network where PFs can connect, share learnings, and collaborate to spread promising practices. The Network includes monthly webinars, summer emails, and a community discussion board where questions, ideas, and resources can be shared.

EMR Network - Alberta
All Alberta PFs are welcome to join the provincial EMR Network where participants can build connections between EMR users across the province; develop knowledge, skills, and abilities that support QI in the EMR within the PMH; and, have a venue to share leading practices, tools, resources, and innovations/solutions to EMR challenges